Monday, August 15, 2011

Excuse me while I listen to The Spill Canvas and cry into my Diet Coke.

I have this inkling of jealousy that I can't quite shake tonight. Of course it is Facebook related, isn't all jealousy these days? And of course I did this to myself. Facebook stalking will always do this to me. But what can I say, I love making myself miserable sometimes.

This situation is this, I met a boy, he lives in New York. He has an exgirlfriend who lives in the same city I do. He confessed one drunken night that this was the first girl he had ever loved (we were feeling rather nostalgic and emo this particular night). But as I was innocently Facebooking this boy, I scrolled through her page as well, because why not?, I've been feeling amazing lately, I should totally seek out something that will make me sad for a moment. And there it was, pictures of them together. Her visiting him. Blech. Why is this a big deal? IT'S NOT. I'm pms-ing and therefore my stupid girl brain is all. "OMG. FREAK OUT ABOUT THIS BECAUSE I'M DUMB AND HORMONAL."

Jealousy is such a bitch. I'm so cool and collected 95% of the time and then WHAM! Jealousy bitch slaps me in the face and I'm all sad and dumb for an hour. I know everyone else out there does this too and it's such a classic girl move. When will I ever learn to leave well enough alone? Things are amazing, let them be that way!