Saturday, June 23, 2012

Let it rain, rain down

Let the countdown begin, I'm leaving Boston for the wonderful, windy city of Chicago. I leave July 28 and I could not be more excited. Coming with me are lovely and special pugs, Jabba and Zelda. Wrapping things up in Boston has been a challenge. I work through July 27 and then leave the following night to camp out at my mom's house for a few days before setting off for Chicago. Boston has been a lovely city to live for the past five years, but I feel now is the time to make a change and head for the Midwest.

To do before I leave:
1. Go through my clothes/stuff and donate what I no longer need
2. PACK!
3. Get an oil change
4. Say goodbye to all of my friends, coworkers, clients
5. Collect medical records for myself and the dogs
6. Manage to keep my cool and contain my excitement until I leave
7. Scratch that - lose my shit
8. Find a job!

That's right. Find a job. I will be unemployed when I get to Chicago. I don't even have a lead on a job. I am picking up and leaving without a solid plan. For many people, this would be scary and stupid. For me, it's exciting and thrilling. I can't wait to see what comes out of this move. Everything is up in the air, everything is possible right now. So much could happen and I couldn't be more excited to embrace the change and the possibilities. Wish me luck and stayed tuned to see what happens!

<3, k

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