I'm returning to work tomorrow after a week out on sick leave. I have spent the past seven days in my apartment with two pugs and a netflix account. During this time, it occurred to me that I do not enjoy working 9-5, I would like to have a more flexible schedule. I would also like to try different avenues of work in addition to what I am doing now. Of course, this requires that I finish my Master's, something that I really do not want to do. At all. I have two classes and a thesis standing between myself and my graduate degree. I should not stop now, but I have no motivation to complete this degree. I have dropped two classes this semester
This strikes me as a trouble that someone ten years my junior would be struggling with. I have this expectation of myself that everything needs to be done right away and I can't wait. I expect that I should have this figured out. I expect that I should be leading the life of a put together adult. Those are really high expectations for someone who has no clue what she wants to do with her life. I guess plodding through the muck and figuring out what I want is the only way to go at this point.
So here's to trying to figure this all out.