Sunday, February 27, 2011

Play time

I downloaded a new camera app for my Droid. I've been loving all the instagram photos I've been seeing around Twitter so I set out on a hunt for something similar for my phone. And voila! Retro Camera!
This is a church in Brighton. I was stopped at a stop light, messing around with the app and it actually turned out half decent.

I have successfully explored two settings on this app. Much more play time is ahead of me. I'm heading to Luke Dane's place to watch the Oscar's so I'll play more tonight.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Oh, hai!

I'm back! Maybe... We'll see how it goes. With a full time job, an internship, and a full class load I'm not sure I'll keep up with this.

Moving on. After enduring a vague sickness for two weeks, I finally got back on my feet today. After work, I built something.

Amazing, I know. But, even more amazing is that I tried bubble tea last night. When it comes to food, I like what I like and I try to not branch out. I'm so dangerous. Verdict?

Gross. Wicked Gross. But, after speaking to a friend about it, it's not supposed to be frozen. Which means I'll have to try it again.